perm filename PAGE35[00,BGB] blob sn#047826 filedate 1973-06-07 generic text, type T, neo UTF8


	After you have  an image and  its contours; you can  save one
or the  other or both on  disk files; or print one  or the other. The
"O" command will output a video  image file, in the new hand-eye  200
octal word header format. The "I"  will input a video image from such
a  hand-eye file; if the file  is not 216 by  288, then the center of
the image will be placed  coincidant with the center of a 216  by 288
window and  the image will be  repacked with undefined  pixels set to
zero. Both the "I" and the "O"  commands will ask for a filename;  if
an extension  is  not explicitly  given the  default extension  "TMP"
will  be used. The  "αO" command will  output the  CRE data structure
and the  "αI" command  will input  CRE data  structure, naturely  the
default extension is "CRE".

	The "X"  command will output  a video image  to the  XGP. The
"εC"  command followed  by a  list of octal  numbers will  output the
HSEG and VSEG;  raw vector  contours, to  the XGP.   The "P"  command
will  output  the  currently  displayed III  buffer,    naturely  the
default  extension is "III".  Finally, the "J"  command  enhances the
contrast of an image for the sake of its appearance on the XGP.


	Taking or  inputing new  television images,   and  contouring
them using  the "C" command or the "Q" command  will form a film data
structure.  Images  can be explicitly compared  and linked by  typing
"M" match command  which links the latest image  with the immediately
previous  image. The "Z" command will zero  the data structure of all


	The "A" command  is for automatic turn table  perception, CRE
takes  64 pictures  from  camera #3  while rotating  the  turn table,
outputs a  file and  exits  (returning control  to the  3D  geometric
editor). The turn  table is manually moved small amounts  by the four
possible  "Y" commands: "Y",  "αY", "βY", and  "εY". Numeric absolute
and relative positioning of  the turntable is under the  "U" command;
the details of which are still being developed.
~I1973,800;F8- 35 -